Author: Sophia Brown

Developer Experience2 of 2 scorched earthA decentralized system for peer-to-peer content suggestion utilizing a “Two Of Two Scorched Earth” reward/punishment scheme proposed by Vitalik Buterin to incentivize quality content sharing. The goal of the project is to deliver a proof-of-concept implementation on mainnet to demonstrate the usefulness of this scheme for a variety of applications.Developer ExperienceEthWorksMaintenance and improvements on Waffle, a library for writing and testing smart contracts. Grant objectives include ENS integration, expanded documentation and addition of dynamic mocking. ExperiencePOA NetworkThe Arbitrary Message Bridge can not only transfer tokens between any two EVM-based chains, but can relay any data…

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To the users and the builders, We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Ethereum’s future is bright, and this year we are seeing much of that future come to life as the Ethereum ecosystem builds on a foundation laid by dedicated research and development over the last years. This update will focus on how the Ethereum Foundation aims to help further Ethereum’s progress, on what we’ve been working on in terms of allocations and more, and on why our outlook is brighter now more than ever. Who we are, and where we’ve been The focus of the Ethereum…

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Special thanks to Sacha Yves Saint-Leger & Danny Ryan for their review. At the core of every Proof of Stake system is a signature scheme. Signatures are used to verify the identity of each validator allowing their actions, both good and bad, to be attributed to them. We can verify honesty by looking at a validator’s signed messages and we can prove malice by showing messages that violate the rules of consensus. In fact, in eth2, the identity of a validator is their public key. Specifically, each validator has two sets of keys: a signing key and a withdrawal key.…

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Queridos Amigos, In our most recent update, we outlined what Devcon is all about and spoke to our renewed focus on growing the Ethereum ecosystem. Part of that focus is on making sure that, for all types of attendees, the next Devcon is all that we dream for it to be and more. For details on those goals and beyond, please read the full post here! Today, we’re going to tackle our site-selection and timing, along with more on what’s ahead for this year and beyond. 🥁 Our Selection 🥁 Getting right to it, we’re excited and proud to announce…

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A huge thank you for excellent input and feedback from Sacha Saint-Leger, Joseph Schweitzer, Josh Stark, and protolambda. I spend a lot of my time explaining and answering questions about eth2, and I mean a lot. Some of this on a deep and technical level as I help communicate research and specifications to technical contributors, but more and more these days I’m fielding questions from the community about eth2 progress, direction, motivations, design decisions, delays, and more. I actually really enjoy these conversations. I get super excited as I explain eth2, come up with new ways to describe various components,…

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I’ve been thinking recently about post-apocalyptic wastelands. Specifically, about this scene from Mad Max: Fury Road, when the main characters have just escaped the first wave of pursuit, and are staying ahead of their would-be captors. They need to keep moving, but still need to do maintenance on the centerpiece of the movie: a gigantic “war rig” truck driving them to safety. So Charlize Theron climbs out under the cab to make some repairs en-route: The idea of conducting repairs on a big complicated truck while it’s still moving is just so appropriate for the film’s high-octane drama. It occurred…

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As always, a lot continues to happen on the eth2 front. Aside from written updates (check out the State of Eth2 post below) and other public summaries, client teams, contributors, and community members/prospective-validators have been busy! Today, we’ll cover some significant deposit contract news, and big steps toward implementation of spec version v0.12. tl;dr Solidity deposit contract and formal verification Today, we’d like to announce a new and more secure version of the eth2 deposit contract written in Solidity! This contract retains the same public interface (with the addition of an EIP 165 supportsInterface function) and thus is an entirely…

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*This is part #1 of a series where anyone can ask questions about Geth and I’ll attempt to answer the highest voted one each week with a mini writeup. This week’s highest voted question was: Could you share how the flat db structure is different from the legacy structure?* State in Ethereum Before diving into an acceleration structure, let’s recap a bit what Ethereum calls state and how it is stored currently at its various levels of abstraction. Ethereum maintains two different types of state: the set of accounts; and a set of storage slots for each contract account. From…

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Testnets, testnets, testnets! tl;dr Medalla testnet Following the excellent stability of Altona and based on conversations with eth2 client teams, Medalla – the next multi-client testnet – will have a MIN_GENESIS_TIME of 1596546000 (or for those of you that don’t think in unix time — August 4th, 2020, 1pm UTC)! This is a major step up from Altona in the sense that Medalla is a testnet built for and maintained by the community. The multi-client testnets prior to Medalla were considered “devnets”, run primarily by client teams and members of the EF (see the Altona section of my last post…

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After months of hard work from the eth2 research team, along with Consensys and DeepWork Studio, we’re happy to announce the release of the eth2 validator launchpad (testnet version). We’re releasing it now so that you can keep track of, and make deposits into, the upcoming Medalla multi-client testnet. But we’ll continue to fine-tune the interface in the run-up to mainnet launch. The idea behind the launchpad is to make the process of becoming an eth2 validator as easy as possible, without compromising on security and education. In contrast to using a third-party service, running your own validator comes with…

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